Monday, August 17, 2015

My Grandma

At church yesterday I went into Relief Society and the lesson was on Elderly in the Church. Immediately I knew that I was going to feel my grandma Budd. I felt the spirit so strong and I knew that I wanted to say something about my grandma, but I get so scared. The teacher said, “Does anyone have anything to share?” She looked right at me and said, “I know you want to say something.” So for the first time EVER, I commented in Relief Society. I am shy, nervous and intimidated and it is so hard for me to talk in front of people. Right away I started crying. Yes, that is one reason why I don’t talk in church… I cry.

I grew up living with my grandma from the time I was 11 until I got married. She was a 2nd mom, she was an example of humility, kindness and love. She gave me more compliments than anyone has ever given me. She helped me know of my great worth. I strive to be like her. I miss her every day, I miss her laugh, hugs and telling me she loves me.  Every time I saw her she told me that I was a good mom. Whenever I’ve doubted my role as a woman or mother I hear her telling me I am great and it is one of my callings. I wish everyone could have known my Grandma Merle Viola Stout Budd. 

About a year ago I heard a song and found out it was by Carrie Underwood from one of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe movies. I downloaded it on my itunes and couldn’t stop listening to it. It made me think of both of my Grandma’s. Both were amazing, but neither one was ever rich or famous. They didn’t hold high callings, but they were kind good women. The song, There’s a Place for us. Really reminds me of my grandparents being together in heaven. Even though they weren’t a King or Queen or Rich or famous, there is something special for them. Something bigger for each of us. HERE is a video of the song.

I am thankful for both of my grandmas and Ryan’s grandmas. I wanted to name McKenna after someone special and my niece suggested the name Mae. I loved it and after she said it I realized that it represents all four of her Great grandmas. Merle, Maxine, Alene and Elaine. They are all such special ladies and have impacted me in some way.

I loved the lesson about the Elderly in our church. They are amazing and should be loved and respected. Someday it will be me. I loved the quote from Ezra Taft Benson. “I hold special feelings for the elderly. I feel that in some measure I understand them, for I am one of them.”  You can read the full lesson HERE.



  1. You are so sweet. Thanks for sharing. One day I may know as much about my ancestors as you. Ha!

  2. You are so sweet. Thanks for sharing. One day I may know as much about my ancestors as you. Ha!

  3. Thank you so much Melissa. You are too sweet. I actually started doing Family History when my grandma got sick. She did so much Genealogy my whole life and I knew that someone had to continue. I know she is with me and I feel her often. I have had some amazing spiritual experiences that I won't really share publicly, but have been amazing. I know that your ancestors are with you also.
