Wednesday, August 5, 2015

J.K. Rowling

The well-known author has been on my mind lately. Last week it was her birthday who she shares with her famous character Harry Potter. After seeing a recent episode of Who Do You Think You Are? I learned that she also shares that day with her Great Grandfather.

J.K. Rowling (Jo) started a phenomenon for readers and writers alike. She brought imagination and fantasy and she modernized it and brought it to life for millions. I didn’t read her books until about 10 years ago. But she has inspired many other writers and it just set off and opened the door to imagination.

“There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.” ~J.K. Rowling

I watched the WDYTYA episode and as I watched her go back through time learning about her ancestors I realized how as they made decisions and accomplished goals that affected their family down the line, she did the same. We can learn more than wizardry from JK Rowling. She has taught us about hope, and determination and never giving up.

When she was a single mother she would write in a little cafĂ© and rocked her baby’s stroller as she wrote. No matter what our circumstances, how much money we have and where we live, we all have our imagination. We can all dig deep and find what we love and do it.

From her journey on WDYTYA She learned about a lot about her family. Love, heartbreak and rising from a fall. About her 2nd Great Grandmother “I feel we are what we are because of her bravery.”

Our lives are all important and worth something. I’m sure she never imagined that a little story about an orphan wizard would start a wild fire of stories. We all have something to give and we can all be important and remembered to someone. That is what I love about Genealogy. There are so many stories out there.  J.K. Rowling once said “No story lives unless someone wants to listen.” I am listening and that is why I am trying to find my families stories. I can learn so much from my ancestors.

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