Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Genealogy Goals

Genealogy is something I have grown to love. We have a love/hate relationship as I continue to learn the process. I often have people asking me for advice on what to do. The thing is that every tree is different. It can be really hard to know what to do, except keep looking and trying.

Maya Angelou said, “The more you know your History, the more liberated you are.”

Family history can feel time consuming, overwhelming and never ending. I have a secret, it is all of those things. It seems that just when you think you have come to the end something new pops up. One way to not stress over these things is to make small attainable goals. However, you cannot have a goal to catch up or finish your tree.

Remember to make a realistic goal, don’t set yourself up for failure. There are so many things that you can work on and be satisfied with your progress. I have listed a few ideas of goals and family history projects you can work on.

~You can choose to work on one branch of your tree and see how far you get.

~Another goal is finding stories and information about certain members of your family.

~While some want to travel to different places ancestors have lived or are buried.

~Learn how to use different genealogy programs on your computer.

~Start a journal yourself to pass on to future generations.

~Organize current genealogy papers and files.

~Attend Genealogy conferences to learn more tips and tricks.

~Revisit and assess previous research

~Choose a living family member to interview and write a biography about.

~Use Ancestry.com’s DNA source and research different places your ancestors came from.

Take a look at what you want most. For myself I would rather have less names on my tree and more pictures, and stories. I want to get to know my ancestors. You have to choose the thing you want most and work on that. Once you pick your goal, make a timeline that works with your schedule and get to work. Family history is supposed to be fun and a wonderful experience.

“Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.” ~Linda Hogan, Native American Writer

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