On September 22, 1989 my brother Josh Dennis went with my dad and his friends on a Scout Camp. He was only 10 years old, but he was 10 feet tall with hope and excitement. That night the group camped in Tooele, Utah near the abandoned Hidden Treasure Mine. They will all excited to explore it. After entering the mine the men and boys realized how truly dark it was. A group decided to leave the mine and my dad was among them. He told Josh to follow, but Josh begged to stay with the other group. My dad agreed. Joshua ran ahead to catch up with the group. The more he ran the farther away they got. Suddenly their lights disappeared. Josh did not have a flashlight and was alone in the dark.
We didn't find out until the next day that he was missing. I was scared and didn't know what to do. I had to stay with friends that night while my mom went up to the mine to be with my dad. The next day we were taken to my grandparents house to stay. Each day that went by I was becoming more upset and worried. My grandma tried to keep us three kids busy and kept the TV off so we didn't hear the news reports. My grandma always would remind me later how I wouldn't let myself smile and have fun until Josh was back.
I remember one day, September 27th, that we thought it was a great idea to make Josh cards to give him when he was found. I was smiling. I was excited to give them to him. Sitting at my grandma's counter we were coloring and the doorbell rang. When it wasn't answered immediately they started knocking. My grandma answered the door and I couldn't understand what words were spoken, but within seconds there were screams of joy.
Joshua was found and he was alive. I started crying and I was so excited that we could give him our cards that we made.
This experience could have destroyed a family. We could have asked, "why us?" and left the church. But we know that we are here for a reason. We are here to endure and we can make it through anything, if we turn to the Lord and Choose The Right. I love how at last night's women's conference Linda Reeves 2nd Counselor in the R.S. said "We will be exceedingly blessed if we have faith and patience."
I feel that through this experience that my family went through I always remembered the blessings we received. My personal testimony grew and continues to grow when I remember that we are important to Him. After 5 days, and nights in a mine Joshua survived. He was there with my brother, He protected Josh and He was with our family.
When Josh was on his mission Sister Virginia U. Jensen spoke about my brother's experience in Conference. It was wonderful to be there with my fiancé Ryan. Sister Jensen spoke of the song Lead, Kindly, Light. (To read her full talk go HERE.)
Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom; …
The night is dark, and I am far from home; …
Keep thou my feet; …
one step enough for me.
We will feel darkness at different times in our lives. When Josh was found the searchers put a hard hat on his head, they had a flashlight and they warmed him up. We too can feel protection from our Heavenly Father, we will see his light and feel warmth from His love.
Such a sweet story and great reminder for Sunday. Thanks for sharing your story!