Thursday, March 19, 2015

Let It Go

Disney movies all have a lesson that we can learn in the end. Cinderella helped us believe in true love. Aladdin  taught us that money doesn’t buy us happiness, but we provide it ourselves. Merida showed us that we hold fate inside ourselves; we have to be brave enough to find it. Beloved Dori helped us learn that when life is hard, just keep swimming.

            I love to use different experiences to teach my children. When we watch movies we talk about what we learned from it. As a family we watched Frozen and were coloring pictures. My kids asked me to draw pictures for them. As I was drawing I realized that the characters each learned a lesson and I could relate those lessons to my children.

            For my nine year old daughter Brooklynn who has suffered from anxiety, and is entering the years of self-doubt, I drew Elsa. On the back I wrote her a letter. “Brooklynn, Remember you are beautiful, talented and smart. When you get hurt, let it go. I love you.”

            Cameron is my six year old boy. He has a lot of energy and some people don’t understand him. I drew Olaf. “Cameron, I love you! I would do anything for you. Always be yourself.”

            For my little ball of fire four year old girl McKenna, I drew Anna. McKenna can be the most entertaining little thing, but she is shy and won’t let go of her mom at times. I wrote, “McKenna, Remember I always love you! Don’t be afraid, we will always be here for you.”

            So many talk about “hidden message” from movies, but I choose to find my own meaning. As a parent I choose what I want my kids to take away from their surroundings. I think that is our job. The world isn’t perfect, so I choose to find the positive. There seems to be a theme that I see in all Disney movies. Have faith in your dreams—they may come true!

            Next time you watch a movie with your family, think of what lessons you can learn from it, and use it to better your life.


  1. I so agree! Why do we need to find the negative when we can choose to find the positive. I love what you have done with your children. What a beautiful idea and post!

  2. Thanks so much Elizabeth! I appreciate the comment.
