Friday, December 11, 2015


Cameron found an old cell phone and opened it up to figure out how it works.

Today was my son Cameron's IEP. I always prepare and get nervous, every time I end up crying. Not because I am sad, but it can be emotional. Like most parents, I want my child to succeed. I don't like to watch him struggle. I don't like them to tell me he fell under the average on his testing. Cameron works really hard and he has come a long way. He does excellent in math, but struggles with words, reading and writing. Sometimes we see more progress at home than what they tell us.

Can't resist that smile

I was talking to them about a concern we had. Cameron comes home from school and tells us about other kids and things they did and he doesn't talk a lot about himself. I told the 2 teachers and the principle about I was worried about certain kids being distractions and as caring and loving as Cameron is, that it could be getting in the way of his learning. One of the teachers told me that Cameron is so sweet, caring, and loving. (which we already knew). She said one day, one of the kids we were concerned about being a distraction, who is autistic, was upset and crying. He didn't want to go to the resource class for his time. He wouldn't talk to anyone. Cameron went up to him and hugged him and said, "Do you want me to go with you? Would that make you happy?" He looked at the teachers and said, "Is that ok?" they said yes, and Cameron walked with him to the other class. The boy was fine after that. They told us, Cameron makes a difference in other kids' lives, makes them feel accepted and loved. It made me feel really good to hear that.

He loves his daddy!

Cameron may always struggle, but he is special, important, loving and can make a difference. If being what some see as "normal" would change the way my boy is then, I don't want him to change. I love him so much and I am proud of who he is.

Legos and smiling are his favorite!

 I love this song by Mindy Gledhill, Anchor. She talks about being different and how some times people may thing you are strange, but you have someone who can anchor you down and believe in you. We all need to love others for their differences. 

See the music video HERE

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