Nancy Naomi Alexander Tracy is my 4th Great
Grandmother. I have learned a lot about her, but still learning. She had a very
productive life and one that is a true example.
In 1832 she was one of many seeking the truth for her own spiritual needs. She said, "I heard rumbings of a Gold Bible." She was living in Henderson, New York and heard from a Missionary David Patten. She described his sermon as "something better felt, than described."
Nancy continued, “I well remember his powerful sermon on the first principles of the Gospel as taught by the Savior and his apostles. O how plain and beautiful and easy to understand. I believed with my whole soul and I could see that I had been preserved from uniting with other creeds … [I] told the folks that for the first time I had heard the true Gospel preached by David Patten who had been chosen as an Apostle, ordained and set apart to teach the pure doctrine of our Savior. They laughed at me and cried, ‘Delusion, false prophets,’ and so on. But the seed had taken root.”
She was baptized in 1834 and attended the dedication of the Kirkland temple in 1836. Nancy was a very active member in the early times of the church. She was present at the organization of the Relief Society for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When I go to Relief Society, you feel the spirit so strong. I can't even imagine how these women felt.
She is an ancestor that I am so proud of. She believed something and followed it. I don't know how I would have been as an early pioneer, but I would hope to have been like Nancy. There is so many stories about Nancy, but I will save some for later.
In 1832 she was one of many seeking the truth for her own spiritual needs. She said, "I heard rumbings of a Gold Bible." She was living in Henderson, New York and heard from a Missionary David Patten. She described his sermon as "something better felt, than described."
Nancy continued, “I well remember his powerful sermon on the first principles of the Gospel as taught by the Savior and his apostles. O how plain and beautiful and easy to understand. I believed with my whole soul and I could see that I had been preserved from uniting with other creeds … [I] told the folks that for the first time I had heard the true Gospel preached by David Patten who had been chosen as an Apostle, ordained and set apart to teach the pure doctrine of our Savior. They laughed at me and cried, ‘Delusion, false prophets,’ and so on. But the seed had taken root.”
She was baptized in 1834 and attended the dedication of the Kirkland temple in 1836. Nancy was a very active member in the early times of the church. She was present at the organization of the Relief Society for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When I go to Relief Society, you feel the spirit so strong. I can't even imagine how these women felt.
She is an ancestor that I am so proud of. She believed something and followed it. I don't know how I would have been as an early pioneer, but I would hope to have been like Nancy. There is so many stories about Nancy, but I will save some for later.